Are you ready for this? The new IDEA book is HARLEY WEIR BEAUTY PAPERS. Dedicated to 'All The Dolls In The World.' The first book of many to be published by Beauty Papers.
The book's theme is the body, beauty, the artifice of artificial representation of women (and people) and the desire to be desired. It is extremely, ultra-enjoyably, visually impactful. Elements of body horror are shot through genuine beauty. It's not pretty, but it is pretty shocking. Over 208 pages, Harley illustrates every aspect of her aesthetic. It changes the way you see.
There is a wonderful written piece provided for the book by the legendary Charlotte Cotton. Entitled The Exquisite Corpse, Charlotte weaves conversations she has had with various artists – Guinevere van Seenus, Amalia Soto, Justine Kurland among them – into one dramatised text with stage directions by Asher Hartman.